Help grow the life-saving impact of Life Network in 2022!

278 babies were saved from abortion in the last year at our three pregnancy centers!   

As we near the end of 2021, you have an opportunity to partner with us to save and transform more lives than ever before in the coming year!   

Your support makes it possible for us to offer free services to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies, parents in need of support, students learning about their value and so much more. Will you join our life-saving impact and help us start 2022 strong by giving a year-end gift? 

Whether it’s a one-time or monthly gift, your faithful support is what makes our free live-saving, life-changing care possible. Thank you for joining with us to make a difference for life in our community in 2022! 

Your monthly investment changes and saves lives!

  • $30 per month enables us to reach one person searching online for abortion information, contacting us for help instead.
  • $50 per month provides one life-saving ultrasound to a woman who feels abortion is her only choice. 89% of clients change their mind after they see their baby on the ultrasound.
  • $100 per month provides a life-saving ultrasound and ensures that family is equipped with parenting education and resources for a year.
What will my Partnership do?

Your partnership will immediately begin to make a lasting impression on families in our community. With your support, Life Network can provide:

  • Life-changing ultrasounds to women who feel like abortion is their only option
  • Decision-making counsel and education on pregnancy options
  • Parenting classes and ongoing support, education and mentoring for moms and dads
  • Material resources such as clothing, formula, diapers and cribs
You Can Trust Life Network

Life Network is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, conducts audits annually and is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. All donations to Life Network are tax-deductible.

EIN: 84-0970592

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