There have been many reminders for me in the last month that God is in the business of redemption – one life at a time.
First, while attending the Heartbeat Conference, a national gathering of pro-life pregnancy center leaders last month in Ohio, I had lunch with Dr. Patti Giebink, a long-time women’s physician and former Planned Parenthood abortion doctor. God delivered her from performing abortions after she attended a Christian healing conference 15 years ago. Now she’s a pro-life advocate with a forthcoming book called Unexpected Choice chronicling her remarkable journey.
Then during the conference, I met another inspiring woman named Sue who used to lead a Planned Parenthood in Iowa … until God changed her life. Now she is an Evangelical Christian who equips local leaders nationwide to hold 40 Days for Life prayer gatherings outside abortion clinics. The one she led outside her own former abortion clinic helped bring about its closure.
Finally, last Saturday at our Westside center we met a 15-year-old girl I’ll call Ava. She couldn’t imagine facing a pregnancy while still in the front half of her high school years. She was incredibly relieved when her pregnancy test was negative, but that led to a bigger conversation about God’s plans for her. Ava left that morning a follower of Jesus Christ!
This year’s theme for our Walk for Life on Saturday, June 5, is “One Life at a Time.” There have been some discouraging pro-abortion developments on the national landscape in recent months. But here in Colorado Springs, what we can do … what YOU can do … is help make a meaningful pro-life difference one life at a time.
We are now a third of the way toward our $430,000 goal for this year’s walk. If we can meet and beat that goal, it will be our best Walk for Life ever!
We will be back walking in person this year. Would you consider signing up as a fundraising walker? Our Walk for Life website makes it easy to set up your own personal page. From there, you can invite friends and family to support you. Every dollar you raise will make a meaningful difference.
If you are unable to walk, select “Sponsor” and search on our Walk for Life site for a name or team you recognize and support them in their efforts. Or, I’d be honored to have you as part of my walk support team by visiting my Walk for Life fundraising page and supporting my wife and I as we walk.
The Bible is full of people with redemptive stories like Peter, Jonah and David. Because of your help, so is the work of Life Network. Will you help us reach the next Ava by participating in the Walk for Life today?
To God be the glory,