Sabrina Finds a Second Chance

Shaking from head to toe, Sabrina called a friend, who drove her to the emergency room. By the time she arrived at the hospital, she was bleeding so badly that her pants were soaked. “I passed out as they wheeled me in by stretcher,” she says.

Thank goodness, they were able to save her life. 

You see, Sabrina had been given abortion pills by an abortion clinic. She had taken the first two doses as she’d been told. Her situation soon became very serious. She says, “I became so weak that I could barely stand up. I literally thought I was going to die.”

With that kind of past experience, no wonder Sabrina was afraid to seek help when she faced a second unplanned pregnancy.

What a contrast to her experience at the pregnancy center. “The patient advocate was so calm, non-judgmental and compassionate about my situation,” Sabrina says. “She reassured me that everything was going to be OK. I went home that day feeling heard and valued.”

Informed of all of her options, Sabrina came back the next week for an ultrasound. She was truly amazed to see and hear her baby’s heartbeat on the monitor. She says, “I knew I couldn’t have an abortion.”

At the end of the appointment, the patient advocate asked if she could pray for Sabrina and share Jesus with her.

Looking back, Sabrina says, “My experience at the abortion clinic was so different from my experience at the pregnancy center. I felt valued and cared for, in a very non-judgmental way. I am so thankful for the loving care I received,” she says. “You have given me the courage to have this baby.”

Your special Christmas gift will be DOUBLED!

Right now, all across our community, many women like Sabrina are caught in the most terrifying crisis of their lives: an unplanned pregnancy. Despite this season of celebration, they’re overwhelmed by fear and confusion. Some are praying for a Christmas miracle . . . a way out of the anxiety and shame.

That’s why I’m asking you to stand with others in Colorado Springs who value life and want to be an answer to prayer. When you give by Sunday, December 31, a $250,000 Christmas Gift Match will DOUBLE whatever you give.

Here in this season of joy, peace, and celebration, will you give now to provide free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, compassionate care and other resources?

But more than that, you’ll share with men and women that Jesus — the Christ of Christmas — loves them and wants to give them eternal life. That’s the blessing you’ll share at Christmas and year-round when you give one more time before year’s end to provide help and hope.

Thank you . . . and Merry Christmas!

Give the Gift of Life Today!

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