Walk for Life on June 1

Our 2024 Walk for Life theme is Every Life is a Masterpiece, which reflects the reality that every human life is made in God’s image.

With your support, we prayerfully believe the 202​4​​ ​Walk for Life will be the best yet! When you walk for life, you help provide ultrasounds for patients like Holly* facing a pivotal crossroads. 

Holly came in for an appointment after she had already taken abortion pills several months ago.

Much to her surprise, the abortion pills were not successful (which is rare).

So, a friend suggested she come to the pregnancy center to receive support, material resources, and referrals. During her appointment, Holly became a follower of Christ.

Now, she no longer believes abortion should an option and sees her baby as a masterpiece created by God.

Because of people like you, Holly’s baby is alive today!

This year’s Walk for Life will ensure thousands of women and men seeking support from Life Network get the compassion and care they need and see their babies as masterpieces, created by God.  

  • Last year, 324 abortion-minded women chose life for their babies. 
  • 90 clients became followers of Christ.
  • And over 6,000 students were empowered to make healthy relationship choices.

None of this would be possible without the support of people like you. And it will take $725,000 to ensure these life-giving services – and more – continue in our community! 

This year, we’re praying for more walkers to help us reach our fundraising goals.

Please join us again as a sponsored walker for the Walk for Life. 

[For Everyone Else] You can help ensure this vital, life-saving work continues through participating in the Walk for Life. On Saturday, June 1, join us at Memorial Park for our 37th Annual Walk for Life.  

Please join us this year and Walk for Life.  

Create your page today set your goal, and then share about the Walk for Life by email or through your social media.

Last year, over 90% of the funds raised were given online. You can raise over $1,000 in just days by sharing a link to your fundraising page. 

Every $50 you raise provides a life-saving ultrasound!

Your support will make a life-saving difference in Colorado Springs.

Walk with us on June 1 to celebrate how every life matters and is indeed a masterpiece created by God. 

Grateful for you,

President and CEO, Life Network

P.S. If you have any questions or need assistance creating your fundraising page, contact our Events Manager at adwire@elifenetwork.com or (719)355-1183. 

Give the Gift of Life Today!

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