Amendment 79 is Radical and Harms Families 

This election cycle, a radical pro-abortion amendment seeks to permanently enshrine the “right” to unrestricted abortion until birth in Colorado’s Constitution. This reckless and extreme initiative will appear on Colorado ballots as Amendment 79 – Constitutional Right to Abortion.  
Here’s what’s at stake if Amendment 79 passes: 

  • Allows Abortion Until Birth: It allows abortion for any reason at any stage of pregnancy. Even reasonable limits, such as prohibiting abortions in the ninth month on healthy mothers and healthy babies, would be illegal if this measure passes. It will make Colorado a hub for third-trimester abortions, which is after a baby can feel pain and survive outside of the womb.  
  • Dismantles Parental Rights: It permits minors to have abortions without parental consent. Coloradans have rejected this at the polls twice previously, believing that if a teenager is being pressured to have an abortion by a boyfriend or school counselor , her parents have a right to know.  
  • Uses Taxpayer Funds For Abortion: Current Colorado law bans taxpayer funds from being used for abortions, requiring private insurance plans to cover abortion. This measure would use your taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions in Colorado, including those coming from out of state.  

This is far beyond an issue of public policy. It’s a human rights issue. And it’s a biblical issue. All human life is made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) … begins at conception (Psalm 139:11-16) … designed for a unique purpose (Jeremiah 1:5) … and belongs to the Lord (Ezekiel 18:4). That is why we are raising this to you today. 
This amendment is the most radical we’ve seen in Colorado, and given our state’s sad pro-abortion history, that’s saying a lot. It’s crucial that we, as a faith community, take action to stop it.  
Here are 3 actions you can take to help defeat this reckless amendment:  

  1. Educate Yourself and Your Church: Use this email and these powerful 1-to-2 minute videos to help those you know understand what’s at stake through Amendment 79, and then share these points with your community.  
  1. Join the Fight to Reject This Radical Pro-Abortion Effort: There are several groups that are actively working to defeat this destructive Amendment, and creating resources to that end. Visit their websites and explore how you can get involved in this critical effort. 
    Right to Know Colorado 
    Know the Truth on 79 
    Vote No on 79 
    Coloradans for the Protection of Women and Children  

  1. Vote “No” on November 5th: Ensure you’re registered and ready to vote ‘No’ to reject this extreme anti-life measure that would trample the rights of parents … increase late-term abortions on healthy babies and moms … and use our taxes to do it! 

This radical pro-abortion amendment threatens to bring devastating consequences to the families of our state. Together, we can stop it. In the words of G.K. Chesterton, “We do not want a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world.” 

Give the Gift of Life Today!

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