Our Gala is always a special time for those who care deeply about life being valued to gather and hear what the Lord is doing, and will do, through Life Network … be heartened by amazing client stories of God’s grace … and be motivated and encouraged to stay engaged in seeing life valued in our city.
That’s our plan this year, too, the delivery will just be a little different.
For those comfortable gathering in person, our team is looking forward to being with you at church Broadcast Host Sites across our city on Friday, October 9th. This year’s program will be broadcast to 10 different churches in virtually every area of our city. Choose the Broadcast Host Site that’s most convenient, and then reserve your seat for Friday night the 9th at 7 p.m.
I look forward to sharing the miraculous things God’s been doing in this especially challenging year. I also can’t wait for you to hear Abby Johnson share her remarkable account of God delivering her from leading a Planned Parenthood in Texas to becoming a champion for life who helps deliver other abortion clinic workers out of the darkness she knows all too well.
I’m excited by the though of hundreds of people gathered in churches citywide that evening to celebrate the lives of moms, dads, students and babies being valued in our community. While attending the national CareNet Conference for pro-life leaders last week, I shared our Gala approach with another leader, who asked, “How did you get so many churches to participate?” I replied, “We just asked.” What a testimony to the pro-life commitment of our city’s pastors and churches to be such willing hosts and encourage people to participate! Every church we approached about hosting that had availability quickly said, “Yes!” Other local partner churches no doubt would have been willing hosts as well. We live in a special community.
We recognize that there are many who are not quite comfortable attending large gatherings in person but who would still love to participate and support what God is doing through Life Network. (In fact, some have already sent a gift in lieu of attending in person … what an encouragement!)
For you, this year’s Gala event will be available for home viewing the week of October 12th through a website link we will provide. You can also share the program with others and, if you’re comfortable, consider hosting a small gathering in your home to watch the event as a group. However the Lord leads you to engage, thank you for your heart to value life in this city – and for prayerfully considering joining us for the 37th Annual Life Network Gala in the way that’s best for you.
Changing lives together,