Pray, Serve, Support

Your support of Life Network makes our life-affirming ministry to families in Colorado Springs possible. In the last year, we saw 344 babies saved at our three pregnancy centers! Our free pregnancy services, compassionate care, empowering parenting mentorship, valuable student education and healing support programs are enabled by the support of community members like you. 

There are three easy ways to get more involved in our transformative ministry: 


Every day, an average of 6 women vulnerable to abortion contact us, many in extremely challenging circumstances. To join us in lifting up families in crisis, students in need of reassurance on their value, individuals seeking hope and healing from a past abortion and more, pray on an ongoing basis for our ministry. You can sign up to receive our monthly prayer needs by email at the link below, or come back to this page to see our prayer needs updated on a monthly basis.


We truly could not accomplish what we do without our Life Network volunteers! Our faithful volunteers serve in a variety of areas: patient advocates meeting with women and men in the midst of their pregnancy decision, parenting coaches mentoring moms and dads, baby boutique organizers, donation sorters and customer service representatives at our Family Thrift Store and more! You can truly make a difference for life in your community by providing boots-on-the-ground service. Learn more about the many opportunities available and apply today here. 


Our life-changing work can’t happen without the financial support of people like you. Between now and the end of the year, generous donors have donated $150,000 and challenged our supporters to match that amount to support valuing life in our community. Your one-time or monthly donation will go a long way to ensure lives are valued and protected in our city.