We have learned, seen and grown a lot in the 35 years since we started our Walk for Life, and we often get the chance to pass on tips and ideas to other pregnancy centers. But there’s one thing we’re blessed with that others can’t as easily replicate: Start with a community filled with wonderful people who are passionate and committed to seeing life valued.
We are so fortunate to have people like you who once again made this year’s Walk for Life … The Best Walk Ever! One month ago, more than 2,500 people attended our largest Walk for Life to date. Many more then sponsored our faithful walkers and runners. The final tally is complete, and together you helped collectively raised a new Walk record of $695,000. You’re amazing!
And this support comes at a crucial time – a time when where our staff and our medical team need to provide more pregnancy tests and ultrasounds than ever before. In fact, with our expansion to three centers and people facing crisis pregnancies flocking to Colorado, we are on pace to provide over 1,000 potentially life-saving ultrasound scans by year end. This means the number of moms and dads will continue to rise in our parenting program, too.
Take a moment to watch this one-minute video highlight reel to help you look back at this great, God-honoring Walk day.
Thank you again to everyone walked … ran … volunteered … or sponsored the Walk or an individual walker. We also appreciate those who took time to complete our post-Walk survey as well, where over 98% of you said you are likely to return in 2023.
As someone wrote in their survey response: “It was so encouraging to see all the others who support unborn lives in our city! I loved running with people who have hearts for babies like I do and chatting with the folks at the vendors.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
To God be the glory,