Provide Medical Services on the Eastside

Our pregnancy center is equipped with nurses and trained patient services staff who work with thousands of patients each year, offering help, practical support, education, and hope. With escalating rates of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) in our community, free STD testing and treatment was added to our services in 2014 so Life Network can provide more comprehensive sexual health services to our community, encouraging each person we come in contact with on their value with the love of Christ.

Donate and Save Lives Today

Please use the giving form below to complete your donation. In the Comments box, please specify the project or room you wish to fund. If your selected opportunity has already been funded, your gift will be applied toward the next greatest need. If we exceed our $320,000 goal, additional gifts will help fund our operations at our Eastside center for the first year. If you have any questions please contact our team at 719.591.2609.