It’s easy to picture the Hallmark card version of Mother’s Day this time of year, but motherhood isn’t always pretty. It’s complicated, demanding and involves sacrificial love. Thankfully, when challenges multiply, so does God’s grace – just as it did for a recent Life Network client I’ll call Danielle*.
Danielle’s entry into motherhood was anything but simple. After briefly living together, she and her boyfriend Jared* had a change of heart, ultimately deciding to live apart while they were unmarried. But then came the news of her pregnancy. She couldn’t fathom becoming a mother.
The couple arrived at our pregnancy center overwhelmed and fearful. Before her ultrasound, Danielle share that she had made an appointment for an abortion in a few days. This added a sense of urgency, and our staff prayed for a miracle.
The ultrasound revealed the truth of Danielle’s baby’s vibrant life. She began asking questions about the baby and about her own health. Our client advocated sensed that Danielle was starting to embrace the idea of caring for her child.
“The fact that you’re already asking questions and showing concern for your baby means that you’re already a great mom,” our advocate gently observed. Danielle left encouraged but still feeling conflicted about her pregnancy.
When our team followed up with her, Danielle was full of emotion. “It just wasn’t right to go through with the abortion,” she shared.
A couple days later, Danielle returned with a handwritten thank you note for her advocate, signed by both her and Jared. The advocate’s kindness, compassion and gentle reassurance had made all the difference to the couple. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by fear, they now stepped together into parenthood with hope.
There are new mothers in our community like Danielle who are celebrating their first Mother’s Day this year because of what you make possible! Your support empowers mom in Colorado Springs to demonstrate sacrificial love by bravely choosing life for their babies. The key is for them to know they’re never alone.
Will you stand with moms like these by giving a special Mother’s Day gift? You can make an even bigger difference by committing to support mothers, fathers and their babies all year long with a monthly commitment of $30 … $50 … $100 … or more.
With our third pregnancy center opening locally next month, we will have more opportunities than ever to stand in the gap for mothers like Danielle … fathers like Jared … and their sweet little ones.
Your one-time or monthly gift can make a difference this Mother’s Day that will last a lifetime.
Changing lives together,