This is an unprecedented time our world is facing and unborn babies are at a greater risk for abortion than usual.
The fear that drives women to look for abortions increases with closed schools, lost jobs and a future seemingly more uncertain than ever.
Will you please make an urgent gift of $37 to ensure our pregnancy centers stay open for as long as possible?
Here’s the kind of thing we are hearing in our clinics right now:
Recently, a pregnant client I’ll call Shay* shared that she was overwhelmed with the current uncertainty in our world, and she is struggling to get food for herself. Feeling the pressure common for many recent clients, she asked, “Why bring a baby into this situation?”
Imagine the response she would have received at the abortion clinic if she has expressed that same concern to them! Your gift ensures that women like Shay hear the truth about their unborn babies and the hope that Jesus offers!
This story isn’t unique. Even with everything going on, we provided 19 potentially life-saving ultrasounds to women facing unplanned pregnancies in the last three weeks.
We take financial stewardship very seriously, and at at time when some families are being forced to give less or stop donating to us, we are facing a shortfall in giving both now and in the weeks ahead.
Will you please consider making an emergency gift so that we can continue to save lives? If you have already given in response to this urgent need, thank you! This is an opportunity to make a BIG difference at such a critical time!
Changing lives together,