Healing for the Brokenhearted

Sharolyn says her life changed forever the day she had an abortion. She knew in her heart it was wrong, but the fear of not knowing how she’d raise a baby overwhelmed her. “As a Christian, I knew I had done something so terrible that I didn’t think He (God) could forgive me for this.”


An estimated 1 in 3 women will have one or more abortions in their lifetime – many of them people who grew up in Christian homes like Sharolyn.


Many do so for economic reasons or because of a relational void in their life. They are alone and simply do not have anyone willing to walk this difficult road with them. Others are pressured to make an abortion decision they really don’t want to. Many of them then carry guilt, shame, and regret throughout the rest of their life, not knowing how to talk about it or how to process their grief.


There are some who say that there are no negative outcomes from abortion. They claim that it’s an empowering decision, and that PTSD-type symptoms simply don’t exist. But the data reveals otherwise. According to one report* of women who’ve had an abortion:


  • 59% said they “felt a part of me died”
  • 62% said they were unable to forgive themselves
  • 55% said they experienced feelings of sadness and loss
  • 77% felt guilt
Because so many in our culture deny the consequences of abortion, women often don’t know where to go for help. That’s why our post-abortion program is so important. Bridges of Hope offers a nine-week healing and support class to those who are struggling with the effects of a past abortion. Using Biblical principles as tools for healing, the study addresses topics including: grief, anger, guilt, depression and forgiveness. We also are here to offer support for men as well in need of post-abortion healing.


Abortion has been in the news a lot lately, and for those who struggle with a past abortion decision, this can be an incredibly difficult time. It can also be a tremendous time of healing time if they know how to get help.


Would you help us spread the word about Bridges of Hope? We want 2019 to be a year of healing for as many women and men as possible in our community, but we can’t do that on our own. Here are some ideas of ways you can help us raise awareness about this important service:


  • If you personally know someone locally who has had an abortion, have them contact us via our confidential help line at (719) 355-1177. Or, have them email Brenda, who directs our program, at bshuler@elifenetwork.com
  • Talk to your women’s ministry director at church about it. You can set up a meeting for our Bridges of Hope director to meet with her as well.
  • Share about the program on Facebook. You can share the video below or choose from any number of these graphics to share on your personal Facebook page. The captions will point people to more information about Bridges of Hope.
  • Invite one of our staff to present information to your church, small group, mom’s group, or other gathering. You never know who may have had an abortion, so it’s important for this program to be in front of as many people as possible. You can reply to this email for more information.
Thank you for playing an important part in the redemptive journey of someone in your life by sharing this with them. Together, we can bring profound healing to those like Sharolyn, who need to know that they aren’t alone – and that our loving God stands ready to forgive them.

Another way you can help us reach more women and men in need of hope following an abortion is through a financial contribution. Gifts, especially monthly gifts, help us reach more women and men through digital media technology who we might not otherwise meet. Thank you!

*Induced abortion and traumatic stress: A preliminary comparison of American and Russian women
Vincent M. Rue, Priscilla K. Coleman, James J. Rue, David C. Reardon
© Med Sci Monit, 2004; 10(10): SR5-16 WWW.MEDSCIMONIT.COM

PMID: 15448616
Download and read the full report here.

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