During a visit to a local coffee shop yesterday, three people – masks and all – stopped me to express frustration and condolences over the fact that Proposition 115 failed to pass. “I am just so disappointed in Colorado,” one said.
We, too, are sad that a majority of Colorado’s voters failed to protect the lives of babies in our state from abortion past 22 weeks. It’s not only disappointing, but confusing when you consider the fact that more than 70% of Americans say that they oppose late-term abortion.
Confusion about the initiative’s wording … massive spending by Planned Parenthood and others to oppose it … and deceptive ads that clouded the real issue of protecting preborn lives after 22 weeks were all used by the Enemy to defeat it.
That said, we remain encouraged and engaged in ensuring life is protected and valued. In just the last week, five babies’ lives have been saved – and two people have come to know Jesus as their Savior – through our work you help make possible!
God is doing great work through His people to see life valued. If you, too, are disappointed and feel prompted to “do something,” here are three ideas:
- Pray – Every day, an average of 3 to 4 women vulnerable to abortion contact us, many in extremely challenging circumstances. Pray on an ongoing basis for young women and men facing unexpected pregnancies to choose life. You can sign up to receive our monthly prayer needs here.
- Serve – We are heartened by the fact that several people have contacted us this week about volunteering, saying that Initiative 115 spurred them on to do more when it comes to valuing life in our community. We currently have a need for volunteers in our thrift store and other areas in our ministry – you can find out more here.
- Support – Our life-changing work can’t happen without the financial support of people like you. Between now and the end of the year, generous donors have donated $150,000 and challenged our supporters to match that amount to support valuing life in our community. Your one-time or monthly donation will go a long way to ensure lives are valued and protected in our city.
However you engage, we are grateful for your support of Life Network! You make it possible for us to meet with moms and dads vulnerable to abortion in Colorado Springs every day, empowering many of them to choose life. We’re in this together!
To God be the glory,