Men's Services
Our Men’s Services outreach equips dads through education and support, helping them become involved, committed and responsible fathers. Often fathers have the greatest influence on the decisions their partner makes regarding their pregnancies. In addition, we recognize the important roles fathers play in the lives and future success of their children. We serve men by offering support and options counsel during their partner’s pregnancy test, free STD testing, parent education and mentoring from trained staff and volunteers from early pregnancy until their child is two.
Through this program, men learn the basics of pregnancy and child development, how to support their partner, infant care, nutrition, bonding/attachment, toddler care, safety, etc. By participating in the Fatherhood program, dads earn “man bucks” to purchase much needed items for their children, such as cribs, car seats and clothing. Ultimately, we hope to impact generations and build healthy families by integrating men into the picture – helping them become involved, committed and responsible fathers.
New dad? Welcome to the club. Click the link below to sign up for one-on-one coaching.

[My Fatherhood program experience] has been a very great blessing from God and I look forward to coming. It's one of the brighter things I have going for myself and my family and relationship with God and Christ.
James*, recent Fatherhood client Tweet
Click below to hear Jarod & Glory’s story, and how they were empowered in their fatherhood and motherhood by our programs.