A single mom in her 30s, Tasha (not her real name) already had a daughter from a previous relationship. She’d experienced serious health problems during her first pregnancy and nearly died during labor.

So when Tasha learned she was pregnant again, she strongly considered abortion. She faced a terrible question: Which is better — to be alive and care for one daughter or to risk dying and leaving two children without a mom?
To make matters worse, Tasha was certain her boyfriend would leave if she had the baby.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting . . .
Tasha called the pregnancy center and made an appointment. She met with the patient advocate who counseled her on her options, affirming that they would support her throughout her pregnancy and beyond. She was not alone. Despite that encouragement, Tasha’s fears won out. She was determined to have an abortion.
Now, here’s where it gets VERY interesting . . .
On the day she was to have her abortion, Tasha unexplainedly found herself at the pregnancy center. Through additional encouragement that we would be “there” for her, she realized that she did not have to parent her baby in isolation. She also came to see that God was trying to tell her something. She needed to trust Him for her life, the life of her preborn baby and the future of her young daughter.
Tasha made the decision to have her baby!
As with the first pregnancy, Tasha’s second was complicated by the same health problems. However, the reward arrived in September in the form of a beautiful baby girl. When she came back to the center for the staff to meet both of her daughters, Tasha said that she finally had learned to trust that God is in control and knows best.
“I can’t imagine my life without either of my beautiful girls,” she said.
Please give today to help even more young women like Tasha overcome their fears, accept God’s help — and YOURS — and choose life for their babies.