In recent weeks, it’s been tough seeing legislation advance that’s targeting and smearing the work of pregnancy centers in Colorado. One bill is aimed at intimidating us from marketing our life-saving services AND penalizing medical professionals who offer mothers a second chance to choose life for their babies through abortion pill reversal.
It’s because the life-saving, life-transforming work you make possible is making such a difference that pro-abortion groups pushed through this harmful legislation. If you are like us, this opposition only deepens our commitment to ensuring the lives of moms, dads, families and babies are valued in our community.
For such a time as this, we are praying that more fundraising walkers than ever before will be part of the Walk for Life and stand in the gap for women, men and families in need. Your support of our ministry is what makes our pro-life work possible – and the Walk for Life plays a vital role.
You can help ensure this vital, life-saving work continues by joining us on Saturday, June 3 at Memorial Park for our 36th Annual Walk for Life! This year’s event theme is focused on how God is Faithful For All Generations.
If you have participated in the past, thank you! Your support helped provide free services to more than 15,000 in Colorado Springs last year. If you have never been a part of the Walk for Life – this is the year to show your support for life in Colorado Springs!
It’s easy to set up your digital fundraising page today using this link. Create your page today, set your goal and then share about the Walk for Life by email or through your social media. Last year, over 90% of the funds raised were given online. You can raise over $1,000 in just days by sharing a link to your fundraising page with others.
I hope we can count on you to join us Saturday, June 3, as we walk to celebrate God’s continued faithfulness for all generations – and work together to protect the next generation.