In our pregnancy centers, we regularly meet women who wish the father of the baby didn’t believe the cultural lie that her baby’s life only concerns her. Recently, a woman I’ll call Brooke was receiving pressure from her family to abort. When our team asked what the father of the baby said, she replied in a small voice: “He’s leaving it up to me.” What she really hoped to hear was, “I’m here for you and our child.”
In fact in Scripture, men are called to protect women and children. When the Jews are in danger of invasion, Nehemiah issues this special calling to the men, “And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, ‘Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes (Nehemiah 4:14).'”
Sixteen-year NFL all-pro tight end, and national pro-life advocate, Ben Watson will be our Gala speaker in just six weeks. In a FOX News interview, Ben shared about the pivotal role men play when it comes to valuing life: “Men are protectors – we are providers. Many women would not be seeking abortions if the men involved in their lives were doing what they’re supposed to be doing. A lot of the issues that we face in our country, whether it’s the abortion issue, or education, or whatever it may be, if men were doing their job, these things would be eradicated.”
Women want the men in their lives to be engaged. And men are called biblically to be engaged in valuing and protecting human life.
On September 30 or October 1, I invite you to join us for our annual Life Network Gala & Silent Auction. We are eager to host you for a night of bidding on dozens of donated auction items … hearing stories and updates from our dedicated team about God’s goodness through our life-changing work … and listening to Ben Watson share his heart and passion for why valuing life matters so deeply. I’m certain you will be blessed.
Sponsoring a table at the Gala and inviting friends and family to join you for one of these special evenings is a great way to invest in our mission. If you prefer, you can simply register for you and an adult guest to attend.
For more information and to choose the night you wish to attend, visit our 38th Annual Life Network Gala & Silent Auction page.

P.S. We are seeking items for the Gala’s silent auction. Past popular items include: vacation getaways, football tickets, salon and spa certificates, services (landscaping, house painting, house cleaning, etc), theater and concert tickets, restaurant gift cards, jewelry, or a themed gift basket. Please contact Gabby if you would like to contribute at or 719-355-1188.