Many of our clients struggle daily with transportation. They wait outside in the cold for a bus to take them to another bus to reach us. Or, they count on cars that aren’t reliable.
When you layer challenges like these on top of an unexpected pregnancy, it’s one more barrier to overcome for these struggling young women and men, especially those a half an hour or more from our closest pregnancy center.
We know that every day, there are women throughout El Paso County facing unexpected pregnancies who are vulnerable to abortion. Abortion providers want them to believe abortion is their only option. That’s why we place online search ads to reach these moms, provide a hopeful alternative and save their preborn children.
By placing these ads, we know by zip code where these online searches most frequently occur. Over time, we’ve learned that two of the top five zip codes in our area are in Fountain Valley.
With your help, we want to go where the need is greatest. Our plans are to open a pregnancy center in Fountain in 2021! (In fact, we have begun searching for the right location.) For clients who struggle with transportation issues, this will be up to 30 or 40 minutes closer than our nearest center today.
While going from two to four pregnancy centers will add more costs to what we do, the Life Network Board believes it’s time to grow our life-saving, life-changing impact in El Paso County.
I personally am really excited about having 50% more potential capacity to introduce young women and men to their babies and help them know that every life has tremendous value … including theirs!
If you share my enthusiasm and have not already taken advantage of our year-end matching challenge, would you consider doing so today? Your year-end donation will help us open our Fountain Valley location in 2021.
Several generous donors have joined together to donate $150,000 and challenge our supporters to do the same. With this year-end matching challenge, together we can have twice the impact in the months ahead. Will you help us meet our goal of raising $150,000 by the end of the year?
Your generous gift today can help ensure we open a center in Fountain Valley, meeting women facing unplanned pregnancies – who desperately need care, compassion and support – right where they live. Thank you for your passion to see lives valued and transformed in our community!
Changing lives together,