Big News: Life Network is Adding a New Location!

Do you know which area of our city is expanding fastest?

The answer? The east side of Colorado Springs, including Falcon. Thousands of homes and apartment complexes have been built there recently, and more are on the way.

We see evidence of this rapid growth when we analyze the local zip codes of those desperately searching for pregnancy care options. We’re seeing more online searches east of Powers than ever.

But right now, when these women find us online, they have to drive 20 minutes … 40 minutes … or even more to get our pro-life care.

With the legality of mail-order medication, their closest abortion clinic is their mailbox.

Without a life-affirming alternative and mounting pressure, many of these women will choose abortion.

That changes today.

With your help this fall, we are launching a fourth Colorado Springs Pregnancy Center on the city’s east side, at the intersection of Woodmen and Meridian Road.

Give Today to Champion Life on the Eastside!

Here’s Why We’re Launching a New Center:

1) Colorado is one of the most pro-abortion states in the U.S. Establishing more life-saving resources is vital.

2) The east side of Colorado is booming, and without a center, women on the east side will seek abortion.

3) We need additional space to serve patients and parents at our busiest location on Galley Road. We will be moving our administrative offices to this new Eastside center so that our Galley location can serve even more patients!

By joining our “Champion Life Together” campaign today, you will save more babies from abortion by establishing a pro-life pregnancy center in Colorado Springs’ fastest-growing area.

Our goal is to raise $320,000 by August 15, 2024, to finish renovating and furnishing this building by Fall 2024.

Here’s more exciting news. Generous donors have made a Challenge Grant of $320,000 to inspire you and others to give to this Eastside campaign. That means when you give, your gift will have twice the impact.

Today is a landmark day for LIFE in our city! With your help, we can make this new location a reality and expand the life-saving impact of our ministry.

Donate now and help us launch this new life-saving center.

Changing lives together,

Give the Gift of Life Today!

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