Bonnie (not her real name) says that when she first learned she was pregnant, she was “scared, anxious, nervous — uncertain of what the future was going to hold for me.”
What’s more, she couldn’t begin to have the answers. “I did not know who to go to, who to call, what to do,” she says.
She did what so many women do today: She searched online.
That’s when she came across the center. When she met with the patient advocate, she was suddenly at peace, feeling no pressure. She remembers not wanting to get emotional. “It was a very dark time,” she says. Still, Bonnie experienced surprising comfort.
As the patient advocate walked her through options, Bonnie says she felt no pressure at all. “I wanted to know the options for abortion. And I already knew about the pill, so she gave me a brochure with a lot of information.”
Wanting to be honest, Bonnie told the patient advocate that because of her job and personal situation, she probably wasn’t going to go through with the pregnancy.
But Bonnie returned a few days later for an ultrasound. “By the time I came back, I was more aware of what abortion really is and what I was about to do. I remember lying there. I didn’t know what was going to happen. And next thing I hear is this beautiful sound: my baby’s heartbeat.”
“I instantly felt connected with my baby. It really impacted my life. It hit home.”
Today, Bonnie’s baby is 10 months old. She says, “This girl is more than I ever prayed for or wished for. I cannot picture life without her. Honestly, having my daughter here, I wouldn’t change it for the world. I feel like I made the best choice, the best decision.”
She says she owes that to the center for walking alongside her, providing all of the resources she needed, and helping her understand what abortion really is. “I will forever be grateful,” Bonnie says. “Thank you so much!”
Thanks to you and so many other friends in our community, women are choosing life for their preborn babies and looking forward to celebrating Mother’s Day. Thank you for your wonderful support of this life-saving work, and God bless you!