Monthly Prayer Needs
And whatever you do, whether in Word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 (NIV)
Week one (March 1–8)
Pray for one of our nurses as she goes through ultrasound training this month. Pray that she will return prepared to use this incredible ultrasound tool. The miracle of ultrasound allows young moms and dads to see their babies and empowers them to make positive life decisions as they see the life they are carrying and begin bonding with their babies.
Please pray that the construction of the Life Network administrative offices will be completed and that the move later this month will be seamless. Pray that all the details come together as we move the offices from the Galley to the Eastside.
Week two (March 9 – 15)
Please pray for the patients who are facing life-and-death decisions when they come to one of our pregnancy centers. Pray that as they meet with their advocate, they will find the courage to make a decision for life. Pray for those who leave the center still abortion-determined – that the Lord would intervene and remind them that they have a safe place to turn to that is willing to help them.
We are so thankful for our thrift stores, which help those we serve who need clothing and household goods and provide financial support for Life Network to continue to grow our services. This week, please pray for our two thrift stores and their staff. Pray for quality products to be donated and an abundance of volunteer staff to help process donations.
Week Three (March 16 – 22)
Pray for the young moms and dads in the parenting program as they navigate pregnancy and the first two years of their children’s lives. We are so grateful for the dedicated coaches who meet with them regularly and empower them as they begin to build their families. By establishing relationships, their coaches have the opportunity to share the love of Christ and the hope that comes from Him. Pray for open hearts and minds and that they will find new life in Christ.
Week four (March 23 – 31)
Pray for those who have had an abortion in the past – that they would be led to reach out to our team and join one of our post-abortion bible studies where they can find forgiveness and heal from the pain of their abortion.
We celebrate our volunteers this week by hosting a breakfast in their honor. Without their dedication and selfless service, we could not meet the many needs throughout the ministry. Praise God for their selfless service and the thousands of hours donated on behalf of life!
If you would like to receive real-time text updates for prayers requests, text LIFE to: 855-739-0615.