Life Network operates two pregnancy centers and many additional outreaches that provide a holistic approach to valuing life and transforming lives in Colorado Springs. In three and a half decades, we’ve served over 100,000 women facing unplanned pregnancies, and expanded our reach to men, families and students in our community.

The Pregnancy Center offers life-affirming alternatives to those facing unplanned pregnancies. Through providing free medical services in conjunction with compassionate, nonjudgmental options counseling and the promise of future support, we empower our patients to make life-affirming choices for their family. We have three locations, one on Galley Road across from the Citadel Mall, one on the Westside on Centennial, just a short distance from our city’s abortion facility, and one in Fountain Valley. All services provided at our pregnancy centers are free of charge, thanks to our generous community of supporters. Through our pregnancy centers, we have the opportunity to see God use the miracle of ultrasound to change and save lives. Ten years of Life Network data show that over 87% of patients choose life after meeting their baby on the ultrasound screen. Learn more »

Our Parenting Education Program enables moms and dads to confidently enter parenthood knowing that they have people walking beside them for support, encouragement and resources. From pregnancy until their child’s second birthday, these parenting appointments provide mentoring opportunities and education on many topics, including pregnancy, nutrition, childbirth and child development. As they participate, clients earn credits, affectionately known as “baby bucks”, toward items in the LifeSteps Baby Boutique, ranging from baby and maternity clothing, blankets and diapers to larger items, such as a new crib, car seat or stroller. Every item in our Baby Boutique is donated by generous supporters of Life Network. Learn more »

Our Men’s Services and Fatherhood programs equips dads through education and support in a one-on-one mentorship relationship. From the early days of pregnancy, Life Network offers resources and support for men regarding how to be God-honoring fathers while also learning to support their partner. The structure of the program complements LifeSteps, similarly matching new dads with a Fatherhood coach. The Fatherhood program encourages healthy families through helping men to become involved, committed and responsible fathers. Learn more »

Education for a Lifetime (EFL) leads the “prevention” arm of our mission by educating local students on health relationships and mental health, using presentations in public and private high schools. EFL’s Pursue presentation teaches sexual risk avoidance and how to set healthy boundaries that reflect each student’s value. Who Can Relate, a supplementary suicide prevention and mental health presentation, challenges students to consider who needs them, who loves them and where they can find their value, working to release the stigma surrounding conversations on mental health and suicide. As students reflect on their value, their risk of suicide decreases and their opportunity for an optimal health outcome increases. EFL also works with the Colorado Springs faith community to promote youth mental health through Parent Talks at churches and Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings. Learn more »

Bridges of Hope offers a nine-week healing and support class to those who are struggling with the effects of a past abortion. The study uses Biblical principles as tools for healing, addressing topics including grief, anger, guilt and forgiveness. Through a partnership with Men’s Services, we have been able to expand our post-abortion support to men on a one-on-one basis. Learn more »

The Life Network Family Thrift Store was opened in October 2019 with a vision of expanding our impact to patients and clients as well as the greater Colorado Springs community. Located at 5406 N. Academy Blvd, the Thrift Store provides quality affordable goods to our clients, patients and community members. The proceeds of the store benefit the ministry of Life Network. The Family Thrift Store is made possible through donated items from our supporters and the public, and the work of many volunteers. Learn more »