What started with an Internet search for at-home abortions ended with a beautiful baby — thanks to partners like you!

In the Google age, finding a solution to desperation often starts with an Internet search. Sadly, for women who face an unplanned pregnancy, the Internet actually has information on at-home abortions using the abortion pill.
Ronnie (not her real name) couldn’t afford an abortion, so she was determined to find a way out of her terrible predicament. She didn’t want to be — couldn’t be — a mother. Not then. The Internet seemed to be a good place to find answers.
Thankfully, Ronnie gave up on the Web and was soon sitting with a patient advocate. Receiving confirmation of her pregnancy was her worst nightmare. She sat there, shaking her head, as she listened to her options. Ronnie showed no emotion as she saw her seven week-old baby’s beating heart on the ultrasound.
The patient advocate’s heart sank as Ronnie confirmed that nothing would change her mind about going through with the abortion. But then something miraculous happened.
On the drive home, Ronnie couldn’t stop thinking about her baby moving around on the ultrasound. Just as the baby had moved on-screen, God was moving in her heart. Ronnie says, “I left the pregnancy center, and I prayed to the Lord to show me the way. The Lord spoke to me in a dream, and it felt so real. I knew God wouldn’t leave me. And I knew He blessed me with picking me to be my child’s mother. I ended up not taking that at-home remedy abortion.”
Ronnie says, “I said to myself, How selfish could I be? I made this baby. It’s growing inside me already. It has a heartbeat and already loves me without even knowing me. How could I ever live with the thought of ending a life?” As it turns out, the young woman who never wanted to be a mother is now just that. Today she beams with joy and embraces her greatest title: Mom.
“I look at my baby today and I am the happiest I’ve ever been,” she says. “I’m so thankful to the pregnancy center for all their help.”
Right now, many more women in our community face the same heart-wrenching decision that Ronnie did. But through your prayers and financial partnership, they can find the support they need to choose life. Thank you!