Join us as we celebrate the life-giving and life-saving ministry of Life Network at the 41st Annual Life Gala & Silent Auction! This is an opportunity to hear what the Lord is accomplishing– and to support the ministry of Life Network financially. Our Gala and Silent Auction is an annual fundraising event that enables us to continue to provide our services for free to every 15,000 clients/patients annually. We are pleased to offer this celebratory event at the DoubleTree Hotel over two evenings, Thursday, September 26, and Friday, September 27, 2024.

This Year’s Gala Speaker: Dr. William Lile

As we celebrate over four decades of the Lord’s faithfulness through Life Network, we are excited to announce that our guest is dynamic speaker Dr. William Lile, the “Pro-Life Doctor.” Dr. Lile is a board-certified OB/GYN who passionately educates the public on the humanity of the preborn. In 1999, he and a partner acquired a former abortion clinic in Pensacola. They immediately halted procedures and, utilizing tools left behind, launched life-affirming educational efforts, both locally and online, which led to the establishment of Dr. Lile’s impactful videos have amassed a million views. Lile co-produced “God’s Miracle of Life,” advocating for the sanctity of life through scientific, legal, and scriptural perspectives. As a former OB/GYN Department Chair, he instructs at medical schools and advises on pro-life legislation.

Sponsor a Table

We invite you to partner with us at our 41st Annual Gala & Silent Auction, to support the life-affirming work of Life Network and our three Colorado Springs Pregnancy Centers. You can choose between two nights at the DoubleTree Hotel at 1775 East Cheyenne Mountain Boulevard—Thursday, September 26, or Friday, September 27, 2024.

Table underwriters are essential for the success of this fundraising event. As a table underwriter, you can host a table that seats up to ten people. In addition to a table at the Gala, advertising opportunities are available at most sponsor levels. Your partnership enables Life Network to continue providing no-cost services that save preborn babies daily – and support their moms and dads on their parenting journey. 

Register to Attend the Gala

Register for either Thursday night, September 26 or Friday, September 27. There is no cost to attend the Gala. During the evening, there will be an opportunity presented for financial partnership with Life Network. 

Make a Donation